6.1 General Purchasing Requirement
The Project Manager has the overall responsibility to ensure that all materials and services purchased are in accordance with the established QA/QC procedures, the project specifications, and drawings.

6.2 Subcontracting Requirement
All subcontractors shall be selected on the basis of their ability to meet subcontract requirements, including established quality requirements. DMZC Company has established a list of qualified subcontractors for services typically subcontracted. Award of a subcontract to a company not on the approved subcontractors list requires written approval of the QCM.

The selection of subcontractors, and the type and extent of control exercised by the Project Manager shall be dependent upon the type of service, client requirements, and, where appropriate, on records of subcontractors’ previously demonstrated capability and performance. The Project Manager shall ensure that applicable QA/QC procedures are followed by all subcontractors performing services for DMZC Company. Applicable client contract requirements and liabilities shall be agreed upon in writing by all subcontractors.

6.3 Maintenance of Purchasing Data
All purchasing documents shall contain data clearly describing the material or service ordered, including, where applicable:
a) The type, class, style, grade or other precise identification of items purchased;
b) The title or other positive identification, and applicable issue dates of specifications, drawings, process requirements, inspection instructions, and other relevant technical data, including requirements for approval or qualification of product, procedures, process equipment, and personnel;
c) The title, number and issue of the quality system standard to be applied to the product.
The Project Manager shall review and approve purchasing documents for adequacy of specified requirements prior to release.

6.4 Verification of Purchased Goods
Where specified in the contract, the client or the client’s representative shall be afforded the right to verify at source or upon receipt that purchased materials or work
conforms to specified requirements. Verification by the client shall not absolve the Project Manager of the responsibility to ensure that acceptable materials are used in the performance of the work.
The client's verification at a vendor or subcontractor’s plant shall not be used by the Project Manager as evidence of effective control of quality by the vendor or subcontractor.